Opossum Lake

Carlisle, PA

Mission - Friends of Opossum Lake Conservancy (F.O.L.C.) is a non-profit organization committed to restoring and preserving the lake through working collaboratively with the Township, County, and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.


Things to do - Opossum Lake has a lot to offer such as hiking, fishing, boating, hunting, bird watching, dog walking(all dogs MUST be on leashes!), mountain biking (please yield to hikers). No swimming at this lake, however. There are several picnic tables all around the lake, and the pavilion has grills. NO CAMPFIRES ALLOWED ANYWHERE! The pavilion can be reserved (for a small fee) for meetings or special occasions. Just contact Lower Frankford Township 717-243-0855 Mon-Wed-and Fri mornings.

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Visit Opossum Lake

Come see how beautiful Opossum Lake is for yourself! Don’t forget to share your photographs and videos with us on social media! (Photo Credit: Joe Binder Photography)

 Friends of Opossum Lake Conservancy has built a new footbridge! When the original Anglers’ Access trail was created, limits on funding at that time dictated how many bridges would be put in. All of the inlet streams have bridges but the outlet stream, called Opossum Creek, had to be crossed by leaving the footpath and walking on the road over the one lane vehicle bridge before returning to the path. This is a distance of 420 feet, which required hikers to climb over a guard rail. It is undesirable to have hikers walking along the roadway with dogs and children, so FOLC applied for and received two significant grants to cover a good portion of the engineering and construction of a steel 50 ft bridge over the outlet stream. We are very grateful for funding from a South Mountain Partnership* grant and Cumberland County Land Partnership grant. These grants, plus one from Partnership for Better Health, funds from FOLC and generous help from other partners, including Lower Frankford Township went a long way to construct this much needed bridge. Once the DEP permit was obtained, earnest work on the bridge could begin. Finally in July 2022, the steel bridge was set in place on the two abutments and several weeks later, the stairs were attached. Many volunteers showed up to assist in this project! Soon there will be educational signs and several benches near the bridge.

The tall bridge abutment shows, in colored bands, various flood levels- 10, 25, 50, 100 and 500 year floods. Also on the abutment in black lines are where the water was for 3 different hurricanes. Agnes in 1972 is near the top of the abutment.

In early April we received 72 free trees and bushes, tree shelters and stakes from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (”Clean water grows on trees!”) to plant a riparian buffer along both sides of the outlet stream below the dam. This will serve to both protect the water and function as an educational project. With the help of volunteers, we had them all in the ground in 3 hours. FOLC will take responsibility for the maintenance of this area.

We have planted a wetlands pollinator meadow patch on the west side between the bridge and the new parking lot on Mt Zion Rd. This area is perennially wet and had been taken over by invasive plants like purple loosestrife, which have been removed and will soon be replaced by native plants.

In July 2023, we added a new small wooden footbridge on the NW section of trail where it comes out to Opossum Lake Road. The bridge allows crossing of the culvert without stepping onto the roadway.

- Mary Franco, President.

From the President of Friends of Opossum Lake Conservancy
Officers of the Board: Mary Franco, President; Chloe Fealtman, Vice President; Kim Fealtman, Treasurer; and Joe Shane, Secretary.

Board members at large: Ed Franco, Tim Barrick, Terry Sensenig, Cindy Samet, Bob Hair,Matthew Sweger, Stephanie Sweger, Bob Kessler, Joe Nunez, Randy Heishman, Wilbur Wolf

In late winter many capable and generous volunteers worked together to improve two areas of the trail: the southern most bridge on the west side had been sagging into its north bank, and tilting. That was jacked up, straightened and supported, and the north end extended to remove an awkward step. On the East side of the lake, the railroad tie steps leading down from the spillway parking lot were all re-set, and a hand rail was added. These improvements were made in anticipation of the Awesum Possum Lake Trail Adventure in memory of former President, Board member, trail steward and friend Steve Fealtman who passed away in 2019.

It was from the desire to have a Memorial Race in honor of Steve Fealtman that a new committee was formed within the Conservancy, the FOLC Recreation Committee. We are grateful for the infusion of new energy into the Conservancy. The Race this year will be June 7, 2025. See below and our facebook page for details.Registration is online. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER TO HELP WITH THE RACE, PLEASE CONTACT BOB KESSLER : UGENE63@COMCAST.NET

Past donations from this race have allowed us to build a 50 foot steel bridge over the outlet stream of the lake, in order to keep the trail entirely off the road and therefor much safer for hikers. No longer need hikers climb over a guard rail and walk along the road to cross the one lane vehicle bridge over the stream. In addition, we have erected four educational signs at the site of the new bridge, and beautiful live edge benches will soon be installed. This is the kind of trail improvement that can be made with your donation. Future projects could be older bridge repair, kayak launch repair, and additional bog bridges.

o For questions and more details, call or email maryvfranco@gmail.com. Thank you for your generosity!

I would like to recognize all of the trail stewards, who do so much to maintain the trail, trimming back spring and summer vegetation, worked on the enormous bridge and sign project, planted trees and removing downed trees across the path. They are Justin & Jessica Poe, Terry Senenig, Cindy Samet, Joe Nunez, Matt Sweger, Jacob Fealtman, Bob Kessler, Mark Vallie, Joe Shane, and Lisa Marie Garman and her family, Jonathan Goodman, Ed Franco and myself. Stewards volunteer their time to monitor the trail throughout the year.

If you enjoy the trail and want to help take care of it, we can always use more volunteers! You can adopt a short (0.25 -0.35 mile) section to maintain year round, or you may just want to help with a big Trail Day Project. Please contact me at maryvfranco@gmail.com. We have all the necessary tools for trail work. In addition to routine maintenance, our future plans include widening more of the very narrow sections of the trail, and hopefully, one day, a foot bridge at the south end to keep the trail off the main road that crosses on a one lane bridge. Also, anyone needing community service hours (high school students, scouts, etc) can be put to use on the trail! Again, contact Mary at maryvfranco@gmail.com

The Trail and the Township park area around the lake have experienced many more visitors since the pandemic caused the shut down of other outdoor recreational areas. Much larger numbers of people are fishing around the lake and walking the trail. This is a good thing!. A reminder to all users of the trail and park, please use the trash receptacles and/or take your trash with you.


Friends of Opossum Lake Conservancy (FOLC)  was formed as a 501(C) (3) non profit organization in 2006 in response to learning that the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC) planned to drain the lake permanently because inspection of the dam and spillway, built in in the early 1960’s, showed deterioration and did not meet current safety standards. PFBC did not have the funds to repair or replace the dam and at a public meeting, informed the citizens that it might remain drained. 

Neighbors from around the lake and other nearby communities got together to discuss how money could be raised to rebuild the dam and restore the lake.  FOLC partnered with Lower Frankford Township, where the lake is located, to enter into a lease agreement with PFBC for  the land surrounding the lake. The township had long wanted its own Township Park and ultimately agreed to enter into a 25year lease agreement with PAFBC to create a township park. Lower Frankford Township Committed $100,000 of township funds to support the restoration of the lake and dam. Cumberland County Contributed significant matching funds to the project. 

To draw public attention to our cause for raising money to restore the lake, FOLC decided to create a trail that would go around the perimeter of the lake. The new trail, supported by a Land Partnership Grant from Cumberland County helped citizens appreciate the value of this 274 acre  green space in our county and support our cause. This trail involved thousands of volunteer hours, and was called the Anglers’ Access Trail.

Meanwhile, FOLC led  a coalition of township, county, and state government to raise the $3,500,000 needed to replace the spillway, and worked with the PFBC through the long process of permitting, surveying and engineering. Finally in November 2010, after a complete draining of the lake, construction began. Three years later, the new spillway was completed. The lake was finally filled and in March of 2013, it was ceremoniously restocked! Mission accomplished!

Since the initial mission of restoring the lake has been accomplished, Friends of Opossum Lake Conservancy has continued as a steward of the trail, doing the routine maintenance and making improvements as needed. We rely on a team of volunteers who adopt a section of trail to take care of.  FOLC works in close coordination with Lower Frankford Township to help maintain and improve the township park.  Occasionally, for larger projects, we have organized Work Days totally supported by volunteers. Many individuals and groups over the years have volunteered for projects at the lake, such as erecting bird houses, building steps, planting trees, doing trail improvements and developing Fish Habitat . In addition we now have a recreation committee committed to planning events at the lake.

6th Annual

Awesum Possum Lake Trail Adventure

In memory of Steve Fealtman

Saturday, June 7th, 2025

To volunteer, contact Rec committee chair Bob Kessler: ugene63@comcast.net

Thank you for participating this year!

Adventure Awaits

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Hike it.

Around Opossum Lake is a 4 mile trail marked with blue dots. This trail is great for hiking, running, dog walking, mountain biking, horse back riding, and bird watching. The trail is maintained by members of F.O.L.C. Check it out in any season of the year!


Fish it.

When the dam was restored and the lake was refilled, many fish species were stocked back into Opossum Lake. Fishing is a very popular activity here at Opossum Lake!


Boat it.

Opossum Lake is a perfect place to go boating. Whether you want to go kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding, or taking out your fishing boat, this lake is the perfect place. There are several boat launch pads around the lake.

Trail Map

Every season is lake season.



Thanks for checking out our website!

Want to be a member of F.O.L.C?

This link will direct you to our FOLC Membership Application and Due Schedule Form:
